EcoMarket is a two-sided marketplace consisting of companies & collectors. Companies post offers for scrap items. These offers are fulfilled by collectors, who get paid in TRX after delivering the scrap item.
- Users are required to be signed in in order to use the EcoMarket portal.
- When unconnected, the user is required to connect their wallet via the Connect Wallet CTA displayed across all unauthenticated pages
- The user clicks on Connect Wallet and is shown the TronLink wallet connection modal… we use the TronLink Wallet adapter SDK to power this.
- If the company creates an account, an escrow wallet is created for them. We do this by mapping their connected TronLink wallet address to the escrow smart contract. Each company escrow wallet is created having a balance of 0 TRX.
- If the recu
- If the wallet connection fails, We’ll show an alert
- Once Wallet is connected
- If new account, generate an avatar for the profile using JazzIcon
- ↳ The Main Menu will display the connected Wallet address, which can be clicked to show the link to the user’s Profile. A link to the dashboard is also present on the menu
- The CTA on unauthenticated pages changes to “View Dashboard”
- On the Dashboard
- ↳ if the user has not selected a role (Company or Collector):
- → show them the role selection modal
- ↳ if the user has selected a role but has no profile details for that role:
- → show them the Profile Details modal (or page), where they can enter their profile details.
- ↳ if the user has added both role & details
- → take them to their appropriate dashboard (either Company or Collector).
- User Profile
- For a Company
- Name
- Company Email
- Phone Number (optional)
- Wallet address (read-only)
- Avatar (read-only) … we’ll update later to
- For a Collector
- Name
- Email address
- Phone Number (optional)
- Location (from a drop-down of pre-selected locations). We’ll make this a typeahead field so the user can search from the list.
- Wallet address (read-only)
- Company Sitemap
- Company Dashboard
- Escrow Wallet
- Creating Offers
- Viewing Deliveries
- Create Company
- Create Company Profile